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Help! Who Can I trust To Massage ME?


In previous blogs, I have outlined what constitutes Remedial Massage, but do you know who

is treating you? What are our actual qualifications and what does it mean to be a Remedial

Massage Therapist?

To be quite honest, our industry is UNREGULATED! It does peeve us, just a little bit. But

what does that mean to you the consumer/client? Firstly, in Australia, anyone can call

themselves what they like in our industry! I know right! So frustrating! Just because they call

themselves Remedial Massage Therapists, it doesn’t mean they actually are. They may

have done a two day weekend workshop, or maybe a 6 week Swedish massage course or

may have no qualifications at all

Let me ask you this, if your car had a problem with the engine, would you go to a petrol

station and ask the cashier to see about fixing your car or would you go to a mechanic? All

too often we face this problem in the massage industry. A new client walks in after seeing a

‘massage therapist’ with terrible back pain, worse than before they had the massage. Why?

The person they saw had NO formal qualifications, and basically no knowledge of anatomy,

or any idea of what they should or shouldn’t do to treat an injured back Maybe also they

should have referred the person to another health professional!

So how do you know who to trust? How can you be sure of getting a massage from a

qualified therapist?

When you enter the clinic is there evidence of qualifications hanging on the wall from

a recognized RTO (Recognised Training Organisation) oh and if there is more than

one therapist there should be evidence for EVERY Therapist who works there. These


Do you see evidence of the Code of Ethics for Massage and Myotherapy displayed in

the clinic?

Has the therapist obtained Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance?

Unless qualified as a Therapeutic Massage Therapist with a Certificate IV in

Massage or the Remedial Diploma in massage you CAN NOT be insured to give


Can you claim with your health Insurer? Most major Health Insurers recognize

Diploma’s in Remedial Massage. Therapeutic Massage cannot be claimed.

When you go in to have your massage – are you asked to fill in a Client History

Form? This is where your therapist checks for allergies, medications, past history,

disease/illnesses, and contraindications to massage. If you are not filling in one of

these forms I’d be quite concerned.

Do they have Senior First Aid Certificate?

Finally, does your therapist review the form, obtain written consent and discuss a

treatment plan with you?

At Hills Massage we are ALL highly trained professionals. Michelle, Eilish and Jackie have

all received their Diploma’s in Remedial Massage and Sona, our most recent therapist, is a

Therapeutic Massage Therapist, studying to obtain her Remedial Diploma (NB Sona has 6

years’ experience as a qualified Therapist in her native Czech Republic, but is being diligent

and getting formally recognized here in Australia).

Jackie, Eilish and Michelle and Sona

We are all members of a reputable Massage Association, which requires us to continue our

professional education to maintain our education standards. We all have our Senior First

Aid, Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance. Each new client that visits us fills

in a confidential Client History Form and we discuss and assess all clients and refer to other

healthcare professionals when beyond our scope. We have a HICAPS terminal that allows you to claim on the day, if you have opted for remedial massage cover with your health


So I hope this has helped you understand a little bit more about how to choose a qualified

therapist, and how seriously we take on board providing you with the best care possible. We

are a highly professional team that LOVES Massage

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